Monday, August 15, 2011

Exploration 1 (Chapter 11)

                   This chapter is all about CONFIGURATION AND TESTING YOUR NETWORK, the term configuration has several meanings , in computing it may refer to: Computer configuration or system configuration , Configure (computing) is the output of Autotools and used to detect system configuration (This is referred to as "./configure" in Unix) , Configuration file is a software file used to configure the initial settings for a computer program. In Cisco configuration, the term is all about configuring computers, switches, and routers to build an Ethernet-based local area network this configuration is through the CLI interface in the packet tracer. This chapter is just an introduction of all the configuration mode of the devices need to be configured, it discusses only the basic configuration modes, other configuration modes are located in exploration 2 chapters 1,2,3,4,5, i think or most of the half of the whole exploration 2....

Router Configuration
               In this chapter we need to use the packet tracer in order to execute the configuration discussed, the main configuration is in the router, the router is a device connected to a network. The router is a computer also but it does'nt have a screen so in the real world we configure the router by mean of another computer, there's a cable must be connected to a router and computer in order to manipulate the configuration. In the packet tracer we usually configure the router directly to the router alone in his CLI interface but before configuring we need to buy first a WIC-2T  on the router that's the first thing to be done, then we will go the CLI to start configuring the router, upon configuring it has a default commands (the right term is MODES) to execute configuration, basic modes as stated below. We can configure a router in a packet tracer also like what must be done in a real world, what I mean is we will configure the router by the computer connected to it the packet tracer`, this must be done only we connect router and computer by the CONSOLE cable, then by opening the computer we can go to its terminal to configure a router, the same modes as configuring the router directly. Routers also has a Flash memory like in the computer because as what I said router also is a computer... when the configuration is done you can test the network by means of sending message to computer to router or computer to computer, if the message successfully sent it means that the configuration is successful also and the network is successfully built... Configuring and testing of the network is all done in CISCO Packet Tracer. . .

Below are some coding on Basic configuration for cisco router:

Enter Privilege Mode
Router > enable
Enter Configuration Mode
Router# configuration terminal
Password need when enter into Privilege Mode next time

Router(config)# enable password p@ssw0rd
Router(config)#enable secret s3cr3t
Configure Hostname / Router Name

Router(config)#hostname myrouter1
[Set the hostname to myrouter1]
Configure the Message of the Day(MOTD)
myrouter1(config)# banner motd # This is a secure system. Authorized access ONLY!!!. . . # 
[set a banner for welcome message] 
Configure Ethernet Port Command
myrouter1(config)# inte f0/0
[Enter Ethernet Interface Mode ( f0/0 for interface1, f0/1 for interface 2)]
myrouter1(config-if)# ip add
[Set IP address and subnet mask]
myrouter1(config-if)#no shut
[Active the port]
Configure Serial Port Command
myrouter1(config-if)#inte s 0/0/0
[Enter Serial Interface Mode]
myrouter1(config-if)#ip add
[Set IP address and subnet mask]
myrouter1(config-if)#no shut
[Active the port]
Set the Router BandwidthSet the bandwidth to 1G, Clock Rate only apply at Master Router
myrouter1(config-if)#clock rate 1000000
[Set the bandwidth to 1Gig]
Secure Console
myrouter1(config)#line con 0
myrouter1(config-line)#password c0ns0l3

Secure Aux line – Auxiliary Password, use to connect a modem to a router for remote console connection, Aux only available for old router, new router does not apply
myrouter1(config)#line aux0
myrouter1(config-line)#password auXo

Secure VTY line – Virtual Terminal Password, Use to secure your login from telnet or ssh
myrouter1(config)#line vty 0 4
myrouter1(config-line)#password v1rtu@1
Save setting
myrouter1#wr me

myrouter1#copy run start
Checking configuration
myrouter#show ip interface brief 
[make sure that u are in the privilege mode before checking]

The above code are just a very basic configuration for cisco router, there are more advance configuration need for routing purpose such as static routes, default routes and dynamic routes. Within dynamic routes, there are also RIP Routes (Routing Information Protocol), IGRP Routes (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) OSPF Routes (Open Shortest Path First) and EIGRP Routes (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), you can search all the advance configuration in the cisco exploration 2 or in the internet. . .

1 comment:

  1. this is very useful article thank you so much
    Umair Abubakkar ceo of GSM
